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Understanding the needs of Primary 1 Preparation & How low self-esteem affects a child.

Contact Teacher Sonam HP: 92764123

Teacher Sonam believes in starting Strong & Early.

Most of my clients tend to start early especially for Primary 1 preparation. “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”

― Mark Twain. Starting early helps to build active learning habits. Most importantly, Children learn better when they are not rushed.

Research has shown that children enrolled in preparation programs perform better before moving to primary school education. Children taught at an early age usually benefit in the following ways: improved social skills, less or no need for special education instruction during subsequent school years, better grades, and enhanced attention spans. Likewise, some researchers have concluded that young children enrolled in preparation programs usually graduate from high school, attend college, have fewer behavioral problems.

(How low self - Esteem affects learning) Starting early helps them to be confident and set apart for challenges!

When children feel good about themselves, it sets them up for success in everything from school to friendships. Positive feelings like self-acceptance or self-confidence help kids try new challenges, cope with mistakes, and try again. Taking pride in their abilities and accomplishments helps kids do their best.

By contrast, kids with low self-esteem might feel unsure of themselves. If they think others won't accept them, they may not participate as often. They may allow themselves to be treated poorly and have a hard time standing up for themselves. Kids who don't expect to do well may avoid challenges, give up easily, or be unable to bounce back from mistakes.

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